
Wednesday, June 23, 2021

No Chance - Lisa Suzanne

The screaming fans in the crowd are proof the world loves Brett Pitzer, but I hate him. Those women lusting after him as he bangs on his drums have this fantasy of one night with him. He granted that dream to my sister, except he left her with a baby to raise on her own.

She couldn’t tell him about their boy, but with her life on the line the same night he’s back in town, I have no choice.

It’ll be an uphill battle trying to get in touch with this partying rock star who’s nothing like me, but after tragedy strikes, he’s the only biological parent my nephew has left.

I’ll do whatever it takes to protect the baby and give him the future he deserves, even if it means traveling on a tour bus with a man I can’t stand so I can be a nanny to his son. After all, I’m all my nephew knows, and he’s the only chance I have left.

Wow. What a ride NO CHANCE takes you on. Like all of the books in this rockstar world author Lisa Suzanne developed, the more you read (and in order) the more you understand the characters deeply and develop genuine interest in them! This book was no different. I fell in love with Brett immediately and I discovered I may have a thing for drummers? I loved Brody from another of Suzanne's books and I fell for another drummer in a totally different series in-between... All I'm saying is for a girl that prefers soccer players, I do love myself a drummer in fiction.

Also, I think this next sentence is very important for anyone reading this to understand about my preferences. 99.99% of the time, if a story has to do with babies or getting pregnant I CAN NOT read it. I don’t know why, I want kids, I love kids, but reading about it in a book is just not my thing. THAT BEING SAID in No Chance it was such an endearing part that I actually found myself smiling and craving more scenes with the baby (whose name is just everything and I will not be spoiling). He did not take away from the romance between the characters or from the relationships formed throughout the book which was refreshing.

Hannah and Brett are both struggling with their own demons throughout the story but the way they handle themselves and each other was SO mature and SO well written it felt real to me! I was rooting for them the entire time and felt like they really developed a solid foundation. The chemistry was off the charts and the support and respect they had for each other was incredible. Super well written characters make my heart happy! I felt like I could have met these people in real life and wanted to be their friends, wanted to go to their shows and see their routines.

Sure there were a few things that were breezed over, like how Hannah went from “hating” Brett to falling for him rather quickly but if a sexy drummer offered you the world, would you turn it down? I loved this story and LOVED seeing inside Brett’s head. I think he’s a very detailed and complex character. He may be my favorite to date from Lisa. Overall I’m happy to be back in the world of rockstars and I’m looking forward to the next book already!

Rating: 4/5

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